Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Australia Day 1


I wanted to let you know that my team and I made it to Australia safely. After a 14 hour flight to Sydney and an hour flight to Melbourne with an hour drive to Geelong, we are finally here. Right now there are 9 of us on the team, Meagan and Jimmy are an American staff couple and Jono and Elly are an Australian staff couple. They both have children, Jimmy and Meagan have a 8 month old daughter names Rita and Jono and Elly have a 1 1/2 son names Josiah and a 3 1/2 yea old daughter named Zarah (pronounced like Sara but with a Z). Then there are 5 Stinters, Myself, Erin, Adam, Matt and Michelle (who is still in America finishing up support and waiting on her visa). So far we have met a few students and have been getting to know one another. This week we will be getting bank accounts and looking at houses for the girls and the guys. Today our team leaders have been forcing us to stay awake so we can get on Australia time, it is about a 16 hour different from the east coast. We will be glad they did tomorrow and the next day as we settle down. Next week we have a staff conference in Brisbane, where all the staff from Australia will be there. I am very excited to be here. Thank you everyone for your prayers and support. Prayer Requests: Please pray for Michelle as she is finishing up support and that she will get her visa in time. She is hoping to be done on Friday and will be able to join us on Sunday down here. Also please pray for our team as we are getting to know one another and figuring out logistical things. Thanks again!


  1. I am so excited for you! This sounds so great and I am super jealous! hehe
    You are in my prayers and I look forward to the next update! :o)

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