Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Update + Photo Video!!

So we are reaching towards the end of the semester. The past few months have been great on campus. We have been sharing the gospel with students, meeting more students and the movements have been growing with students. It has been wonderful seeing our students really take the leadership in leading catalyst, our weekly meeting, going out sharing, and leading outreaches. We have seen a few students accept Christ, which has been amazing! We have students going through Christianity Explained which is a 6 week study going through the basics of Christianity.

We had our Connexions Camp, which is our fall retreat, where students from Monash, Melbourne and Greater Geelong came together to connect with God and each other. We had about 75 students and staff together for a 3 day camp. It was an awesome time where the students hung out with one another and learned about the Lord through talks and seminars.

Now we are coming up to the last few weeks on campus. We have a break coming up for winter and then we head to our Mid Year Conference where all of the state of Victoria and New South Wales would be together. Exciting :-)

Prayer Request:

Please be praying for our team as our team leaders have headed back to the states for three months to work on support and training. Please pray for Erin as she is our interim team leader.

Please pray that we, missionaries and students, can finish out the semester strong and see where God wants to take us for next semester.

Thank you friends and I miss you all!

Here is another photo video:

Australia Pictures 4 from Jenny Tidd on Vimeo.

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